مشاوره ارزیابی رایگان وضعیت پرونده تحصیلی: وارد شوید

150 بورسیه دکتری انستیتوی دانشگاه اروپا، ایتالیا به شکل فول فاند

5/5 - (2 امتیاز)

بورسیه دکتری انستیتوی دانشگاه اروپا، ایتالیا

انستیتوی دانشگاه اروپا (European University Institute) بورسیه های تحصیلی چهار ساله ای را در مقطع دکتری در رشته های اقتصاد، تاریخ، حقوق، علوم سیاسی و اجتماعی ارائه می دهد. هر ساله، کشورهای عضو EUI و کشورهای عضو وابسته تقریباً 150 برنامه بورسیه فول فاند را برای دانشجویان بین المللی برای ادامه تحصیل در مقطع دکتری در ایتالیا فراهم می کنند.



کشورهای واجد شرایط: همه ملیت ها در سراسر جهان می توانند اپلای کنند.

دوره یا موضوعات قابل قبول: حمایت مالی برای تحصیل در مقطع دکترا در چهار زمینه حقوق، اقتصاد، علوم سیاسی و اجتماعی و تاریخ اعطا می شود.

معیارهای قابل قبول: برای واجد شرایط بودن، متقاضیان باید حداقل شرایط مدرک تحصیلی تعیین شده را برای پذیرش داشته باشند.

نحوه اپلای:

داوطلبان باید از طریق فرم اپلای آنلاین، درخواست خود را با تمام اسناد اجباری پر کنند:

اسناد ضروری:

  • سی وی CV،
  • بیانیه تحقیق 1500 کلمه،
  • ریزنمرات،
  • گواهی نمرات زبان آزمون های بین المللی و GRE برای برخی برنامه ها

ددلاین اپلای:

تاریخ آغاز برای اقدام: 1 نوامبر 2021

آخرین مهلت برای تکمیل فرم درخواست و ارسال منابع و کلیه اسناد مورد نیاز 31 ژانویه 2022 است.


فرآیند مکاتبه اپلای | معرفی اسکالرشیپ | فاندیاب | فول فاند تحصیلی | بورسیه حمایت از پایان‌ نامه‌ دکتری | گروه تلگرام اپلای

150 Fully-Funded PhD Degree Scholarships at the European University Institute, Italy

Are you an international student considering studying in Italy? The European University Institute is pleased to offer four-year PhD Degree Scholarships in Economics, History and Civilization, Law, and Political and Social Sciences.

Each year, the EUI Member States and the Associated Member States provide approximately 150 fully-funded scholarships programs for international students to pursue their PhD study in Italy.

Are you an international student considering studying in Italy? The European University Institute is pleased to offer four-year PhD Degree Scholarships in Economics, History and Civilization, Law, and Political and Social Sciences.

Each year, the EUI Member States and the Associated Member States provide approximately 150 fully-funded scholarships programs for international stBrief Description

  • University or Organization: European University Institute (EUI)
  • Department: 1) Economics, 2) History and Civilization, 3) Law, and 4) Political and Social Sciences.
  • Course Level: PhD
  • Award: Fully-Funded
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Number of Awards: 150
  • Nationality: International
  • The award can be taken in Italy


  • Eligible Countries: Submissions are open for all nationalities across the world
  • Acceptable Course or Subjects: The sponsorship will be awarded for PhD study in four departments – LawEconomicsPolitical and Social Sciences, and History and Civilization.
  • Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants should check the minimum degree requirements set by the relevant grant authority for admission to the EUI PhD Programme.
  • As a general rule, applicants should fulfil the minimum degree requirements by 31 August, but note that this is not valid for candidates applying for some national grants whose eligibility requirements include conditions regarding the degree and its time of the award.
  • Austria: Completion of university studies (Magister/Master’s degree)
  • Belgium (Flanders): Master degree – Belgium (Wallonie-Bruxelles): Master degree of at least 120 credits
  • Bulgaria: Master’s degree diploma with a Grade Point Average of minimum “Very good 5” or the respective equivalent from the evaluation system in the country, where the degree is obtained
  • Cyprus: Bachelor’s degree (ptychio)
  • Denmark: Bachelor’s degree or a degree assessed equivalent. The assessment is carried out by the Danish Agency for Research and Education
  • Finland: Master’s degree / higher education degree, equivalent foreign degree
  • France: DEA (or Master) or equivalent to BAC + 5
  • Estonia: Master’s degree
  • Germany: Completion of university studies and the qualifications required to study for a doctorate
  • Greece: Higher education degree (ISCED 6), and master’s degree or equivalent (ISCED 7)
  • Italy: Degree (old system); master’s degree/master’s degree (new system) or equivalent
  • Latvia: Postgraduate or postgraduate level education (Master’s degree or training equal to a Master’s degree)
  • Luxembourg: Master degree or equivalent
  • Malta: Master’s degree equivalent to Level 7 on the Malta Qualifications Framework
  • Netherlands: Doctoral examen or Master’s degree
  • Norway: Master’s degree or equivalent degree
  • Poland: Master’s degree (magister or an equivalent degree)
  • Portugal: Licenciatura and qualifications required to study for a doctorate in Portugal
  • Romania: Candidates should have an undergraduate degree + a master degree (usually 3 + 2 years) or an equivalent qualification needed to study for a doctorate
  • Spain: Bachelor’s or master’s degree plus 300 credits or bachelor’s or 300-degree bachelor’s degree
  • Sweden: General entry requirements according to the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance. A person meets the general entry requirements for third-cycle courses and study programs if he or she: 1) Has been awarded a second-cycle qualification. 2) Has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, or 3) has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad. The higher education institution may permit an exemption from the general entry requirements for an individual applicant if there are exceptional grounds. Ordinance (2010:1064)
  • Switzerland: Completion of university studies (Master’s degree)
  • UK & Ireland: Good honours degree (min. Upper Second); preference to those with a Master’s degree
  • Other countries: Diploma equivalent to the minimum qualification needed to study for a doctorate in a given country
  • EUI Special Doctoral Fellowships: Master or equivalent degree in an academic discipline relevant to the doctoral programme of the selected EUI Department and the research proposal

How to Apply

  • How to Apply: Entrants must fill out an application with all obligatory documents via the interactive online application form as the given:
  1. PhD in Economics
  2. PhD in History and Civilization
  3. PhD in Law
  4. PhD in Political and Social Sciences
  • Supporting Documents: Before processing online application, arrange the mandatory documents: A CV, 1500 words research statement, transcript, International English language certificate, and GRE (EUI code 7395 – departmental code 1801)
  • Admission Requirements: Applicants must meet the minimum degree requirements described here.
  • Language Requirement: The required level of English proficiency is level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Candidates are in need to provide an English international language certificate to demonstrate their level.


The funding grants will cover tuition fees and living costs for EU member states applicants. Individual awards are also offered to non-EU member states applicants.

Most EU member states provide awards for living costs and tuition fees. There are surplus settlements with non-EU member states, and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs supplies grants to candidates from many countries. For more information refer to grant info page.

Apply Now

راهنمای نگارش ایمیل نامه رسمی انگلیسی | آشنایی با دانشگاه استنفورد آمریکا | دانشگاه کلتک | آشنایی با دانشگاه هاروارد

پیشنهاد مطالعه: پرداخت اپلیکیشن فی

ارسال دیدگاه

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