مشاوره ارزیابی رایگان وضعیت پرونده تحصیلی: وارد شوید

بورسیه ارشد MBA دانشگاه نیوکاسل انگلستان

رای دهید

فاند تحصیلی ارشد MBA دانشگاه نیوکاسل انگلستان 

بورسیه ارشد MBA دانشگاه نیوکاسل انگلستان | دانشگاه نیوکاسل تعدادی کمک هزینه و بورسیه تحصیلی در مقطع کارشناسی ارشد در رشته MBA قرار داده است. این موقعیت قرار داده شده در سایت شامل چند بورسیه متفاوت می باشد که اماکن دارد مهلت ثبت نام هر کدام متفاوت باشد. یکی از موقعیت ها مخصوص بانوان می باشد.

پیشنهاد مطالعه: آشنایی با دانشگاه آکسفورد انگلیس

شرایط اخذ پذیرش تحصیلی MBA

بورس تحصیلی MBA  برای دانشجویان برجسته ای که به برنامه کامل MBA ما در سپتامبر 2019 وارد می شوند، در دسترس است. طیف وسیعی از هزینه های تحصیلی کامل و جزئی را می پوشاند. بورس های موجود شامل بورس تحصیلی رهبری MBA و بورس تحصیلی MBA کسب و کار می باشد. دیگر بورسیه های بورس تحصیلی بر اساس برنامه کاربردی است و فقط دارنده مجوز واجد شرایط می باشد.

جزئیات بیشتر در مورد مدیریت این کمک هزینه تحصیلی را در مدارک بورسیه MBA  می توان یافت.

پیشنهاد مطالعه: پرداخت اپلیکیشن فی

بورسیه رهبری MBA

مبلغ بورس تحصیلی رهبری MBA برای اپلای، جوایز 11،000 پوند می باشد.  تاریخ شروع و مدت زمان سپتامبر 2019 برای یک سال تحصیل است.

حامی مالی فاند تحصیلی

دانشگاه صنعتی نیوکاسل

پیشنهاد مطالعه: معرفی دانشگاه شفیلد – University of Sheffield

بورسیه عالی کسب و کار MBA

مقدار این بورسیه مبلغ 7000 پوند برای هزینه شهریه می باشد. فرایند از سپتامبر 2019 و به مدت یکسال شروع می شود.

بورسیه رهبری زنان

ارزش این بورسیه به مبلغ 22800 پوند برای هزینه شهریه می باشد. تعداد بورسیه یک مورد و از سپتامبر 2019 شروع می شود.

اخرین مهلت برای این بورسیه 12 زوئن 2019 می باشد.

پیشنهاد مطالعه: مدرسه تابستانی


MBA Scholarships

We award a number of full and partial scholarships per year to UK, EU and international students

Full and partial scholarships

Our MBA scholarships are available to outstanding students entering our Full-time MBA programme in September 2019. A range of full and partial tuition fees scholarships are available

All candidates are assessed at the point of interview for our partial awards: MBA Leadership Scholarships and MBA Business Excellence Scholarships. Our other MBA scholarships* are application based and only offer holders are eligible

Further details on the administration of these scholarships can be found in our MBA Scholarships Regulations‌ document

University and external funding

To find out what University and external funding you may be eligible to apply for, search through our Funding and Finance database

Information is updated weekly throughout the year as new funding becomes available

MBA Leadership Scholarships, awards of £11,000

Value of award

Awards of £11,000, payable towards the cost of tuition fees

Number of awards

A number of awards are available.

Start date and duration

September 2019 for one year of study


We’re looking to identify and foster inspiring leaders. Our MBA Leadership Scholarships will reward MBA candidates who have the potential to empower, motivate and provide direction in an organisation.


Newcastle University Business School

Eligibility Criteria

:To be eligible for this partial-fee scholarship you must meet the following criteria

can demonstrate (through application and at interview) strong leadership experience and potential and a positive career trajectory to date

hold a conditional or unconditional offer of admission to the Full-time MBA programme of 2019 entry

have substantive managerial experience (normally 6 years or more, minimum 3 years)

preferably hold the equivalent of a UK 2:1 honours degree (however, applicants who do not meet this requirement but can demonstrate relevant work experience above the minimum plus significant career progression may also be considered)

perform well at interview across all competency areas

hold an English language qualification of IELTS 6.5 or its equivalent with no subskill below 6.0 (if your first language is not English)

How to apply

No application required. All candidates will be assessed at the point of interview for this Scholarship


For further information, please contact:
Tel: +44 (0) 191 208 1589

MBA Business Excellence Scholarships, awards of £7,000

Value of award

Awards of £7,000, payable towards the cost of tuition fees.

Number of awards

A number of awards are available.

Start date and duration

September 2019 for one year of study


We will transform and support MBA candidates who have proven ability in business excellence. Our MBA Business Excellence Scholarships will reward MBA candidates who are results orientated, customer focused, and can demonstrate emerging leadership qualities.


Newcastle University Business School

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for this partial-fee scholarship you must meet the following criteria

can demonstrate (through application and at interview) substantive managerial experience and good leadership potential for the future

hold a conditional or unconditional offer of admission to the Full-time MBA programme of 2019 entry

have substantive managerial experience (normally 4 years or more, minimum 3 years)

preferably hold the equivalent of a UK 2:1 honours degree (however, applicants who do not meet this requirement but can demonstrate relevant work experience above the minimum plus significant career progression may also be considered)

perform well at interview across all competency areas

hold an English language qualification of IELTS 6.5 or its equivalent with no subskill below 6.0 (if your first language is not English)

How to apply

No application required. All candidates will be assessed at the point of interview for this Scholarship.


For further information, please contact
Tel: +44 (0) 191 208 1589

(Advancing Women in Leadership Scholarship (MBA

Value of award

A full fee award of £22,800, payable towards the cost of tuition fees

Number of awards


Start date and duration

September 2019 for one year of study

Application closing date

12 June 2019


We’re committed to supporting innovative business women who aspire to higher levels of influence and professional development. Through our Advancing Women in Leadership Scholarship, successful MBA candidates will receive mentoring support from our Business School Director, Professor Sharon Mavin, an international scholar in gender, leadership and organisation studies. Successful candidates will demonstrate a strong career trajectory, academic excellence and a wealth of professional experience.


Newcastle University Business School

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for this full-fee scholarship you must meet the following criteria

completed the scholarship application form including submitting an essay of no more than 1,500 words in response to the question listed. Submissions need to be in English.

hold a conditional or unconditional offer of admission to the Full-time MBA programme of 2019 entry

have substantive managerial experience (minimum 3 years prior to starting the MBA)

preferably hold the equivalent of a UK 2:1 honours degree (however, applicants who do not meet this requirement but can demonstrate relevant work experience above the minimum plus significant career progression may also be considered)

perform well at interview across all competency areas

hold an English language qualification of IELTS 6.5 or its equivalent with no subskill below 6.0 (if your first language is not English)

How to apply

Applications and essays will be reviewed by a panel of judges. Candidates need to complete the online application form.


For further information, please contact:
Tel: +44 (0) 191 208 1589

مهلت ثبت نام میلادی


مهلت ثبت نام شمسی







ارسال دیدگاه

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