مشاوره ارزیابی رایگان وضعیت پرونده تحصیلی: وارد شوید

فول فاند ارشد کانادا دانشگاه فریزر والی

5/5 - (1 امتیاز)

فول فاند ارشد کانادا

بورسیه تحصیلی دانشگاه فریزر والی کانادا در مقطع کارشناسی ارشد

این بورسیه تحصیلی برای دانشجویان برجسته و ممتاز بین المللی در مقطع کارشناسی ارشد در سال 2020-2021  در دانشگاه فریزر والی کانادا ارائه شده است. این بورسیه برای مقطع کارشناسی ارشد ارائه می شود. این بورسیه در کلیه رشته ها ارائه شده در این دانشگاه در دسترس می باشد. این بورسیه به ارزش 10 هزار دلار در سال به منظور پوشش هزینه های تحصیل می باشد. دانشجویان کشورهای سراسر دنیا می توانند برای این بورسیه تقاضا دهند. دانشگاه فریزر والی کانادا محل برگزاری این بورسیه است.

فاند فلوشیپ | بورسیه | روش برای پیدا کردن فاند برای PhD | انواع بورسیه تحصیلی در دانشگاه و موسسات تحقیقاتی | فرآیند مکاتبه اپلای

مدارک لازم

  • داشتن شرایط عمومی ورود به این دانشگاه
  • داشتن مهارت زبان انگلیسی
  • داشتن معدل 3.5 از 4
  • ریزنمرات و مدارک تحصیلی
  • رزومه
  • دو توصیه نامه

نحوه اپلای

متقاضیان این بورسیه نخست بایستی در این دانشگاه ثبت نام کرده و پذیرش بگیرید و سپس فرم تقاضای بورسیه  تکمیل کنند و به آدرس international@ufv.ca. ارسال نمایند. برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر در رابطه با این بورسیه تحصیلی، به وب سایت دانشگاه مراجعه نمائید.

مهلت اپلای

30 آوریل 2020 /  11 اردیبهشت 1399

آزاد سازی مدرک تحصیلی | شرایط و قیمت آزاد کردن مدارک تحصیلی جهت اپلای | بورسیه های تحصیلی | بورسیه فلوشیپ

Entrance scholarships

Each year, UFV International welcomes more than 700 new students from over 70 countries around the world. UFV invites academic excellence by awarding the following scholarships to top incoming international students every year:

$10,000 International Excellence Entrance Scholarship to 5 of the top international applicants.

$5,000 International Regional Entrance Scholarship to 35 of the top international applicants.

$5,000 British Columbia (BC) High School Entrance Scholarship to 5 of the top BC high school graduates.

Scholarship deadline is April 1 for Fall semester entry and August 1 for Winter semester entry.

Scholarships will be issued as a tuition credit in the recipients’ first semester of studies at UFV.

International Excellence Entrance Scholarship

Amount: $10,000 per applicant

Number: 5 each year

Who is eligible?

This scholarship is available to top international applicants who apply to study at UFV in their graduating year or have recently graduated with a minimum overall GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.5. Preference will be given to applicants applying to a degree program.

Short-term visiting students and exchange students are not eligible for this scholarship.

How to apply

Completed application must be received to the UFV International office by the scholarship deadline. Applicants must complete the International Excellence Entrance Scholarship Application Form and submit it with two letters of recommendation from current teachers and proof of extracurricular activities or a co-curricular record to international@ufv.ca. Recipients of the award will be notified by the end of April.

International Regional Entrance Scholarship

Amount: $5,000 per applicant

Number: 35 each year (25 for Fall semester entry and 10 for Winter semester entry

Who is eligible

This scholarship is available to top international applicants who apply to UFV in their graduating year or have recently graduated with a minimum overall GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.0.

How to apply

All eligible international applicants who apply to UFV are considered automatically. No separate application is necessary. Only qualified applicants who have submitted a completed application (application fee, official proof of English language proficiency, and official transcripts) by the scholarship deadline will be considered.

:Regions for the academic year 2020



East Asia

Latin America

South Asia

Open–Scholarhips are available to applicants from countries outside of the regions already identified.

British Columbia High School Entrance Scholarship

Amount: $5,000 per applicant

Number: 5 each year

؟Who is eligible

This scholarship is available to top international high school applicants studying in BC or at a BC off-shore high school who apply to UFV in their graduating year with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on all grade 12 courses (minimum three grade 12 academic courses required).

 ؟ How to apply

All eligible international applicants who apply to UFV are considered automatically. No separate application is necessary. Only qualified applicants who have submitted a completed application (application fee, official proof of English language proficiency and official high school transcripts) by the scholarship deadline will be considered.

Other scholarships

EduCanada Study in Canada Scholarships provides scholarships for students admitted to a post-secondary institution.  Deadline is March 31st to apply once you have been admitted to UFV. 

UFV also offers scholarships to students currently studying at our school:

check out a list of scholarships available specifically to international students

browse UFV-administered scholarships by category (international students may apply unless otherwise noted)

پیشنهاد مطالعه: پرداخت اپلیکیشن فی

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