مشاوره ارزیابی رایگان وضعیت پرونده تحصیلی: وارد شوید

بورسیه دانشگاه تاسمانیای استرالیا | سه پوزیشن دکتری همراه با بورسیه در کالج Maritime

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بورسیه های تحصیلی در دانشگاه تاسمانیای استرالیا

سه پوزیشن تحصیلی در مقطع دکتری همراه با بورسیه تحصیلی در کالج Maritime استرالیا (AMC)، دانشگاه تاسمانیا وجود دارد. این پوزیشن های تحصیلی در سه حوزه متفاوت در دانشکده علوم و همندسی ارائه شده اند که به بصورت زیر می باشند.

  1.  Artificial intelligence in procurement functions to enhance supplier-driven innovations
  2.  Digital transformation of the procurement functions on supply chain agility
  3. Industry 4.0 technologies to mitigate supply chain network disruptions

برای اطلاعات بیشتر لطفا با دکتر هادی رضایی (hadi.rezaei@utas.edu.au) تماس بگیرید.

مهلت اپلای

دلاین شمسی: 11 آذر 1399

ددلاین میلادی: 31 دسامبر 2020

نمونه انگیزه نامه | تحصیل پزشکی در روسیه | پکیج مکاتبات اپلای استرالیا | پکیج مکاتبه کانادا

Using Industry 4.0 technologies to develop appropriate buyer-supplier relationships to mitigate supply chain network disruptions in the maritime industry

Closing Date

31st December 2020*

Applicants should contact the primary supervisor, and submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) and Application as soon as possible.

*unless filled earlier

The Research Project

Industry 4.0 is a broad term used to refer to the fourth Industrial Revolution. It integrates the relationships between workers, systems, objects, and sections of an organization, supported by various applications such as the internet of things (IoT), cyber-physical systems (CPSs), artificial intelligence (AI), and big data analytics (BDA). In recent years, digitisation, automation and advanced analytics are causing transformation in global competitions by enabling firms to manage their supply chain network (SCN). A global SCN consists of multiple interconnected buyers and suppliers of products or services who are located in different geographical areas. Using various applications of industry 4.0 can affect the way that buyers and suppliers interact by facilitating and integrating the processes and systems leading to better cooperation and communication with each other in a new intelligent way.

The substantial disruptions of the material flow in the global SCNs can result in significant losses that may threaten firm’s SCN. For example, the COVID-19 crisis has created short and long-term negative impacts on supply shortages and disrupting supply operations around the world. To reduce the negative effects of the disruptions, many firms have changed the way they interact with their SCN members. Particularly, the disruption has profound impacts on suppliers (regardless of their tiers), buyers, and how buyer-supplier relationships are governed in a maritime SCN. Maritime SCNs have been responsible for the vast majority of global trade and are becoming increasingly complex and dynamic. Therefore, maritime SCNs can be significantly vulnerable to disruptions.

Since digital technologies can have a positive impact on mitigating disruptions, many firms have decided to implement various industry 4.0 applications to manage their maritime SCN. This has transformed the relationship between buyers and suppliers within the maritime SCN. However, there is still a strong need to explore different aspects of industry 4.0 applications in managing the relationships within the maritime SCNs to mitigate the disruptions. Therefore, this project will address this issue by investigating the impact of industry 4.0 technologies on developing appropriate relationships between buyers and suppliers to mitigate maritime SCN disruptions.

  • Good understanding of supply chain management and procurement functions
  • High level written and communication skills
  • Good analytical skills
  • Work or research experience in supply chain management

Desirable Skills

  • Good knowledge of big data analytics

See the following web page for entry requirements: www.utas.edu.au/research/degrees/what-is-a-research-degree

Application Process

Applicants who require more information or are interested in this specific project should first contact the listed Supervisor. Information and guidance on the application process can be found on the Apply Now website.

Information about scholarships is available on the Scholarships webpage.

More Information

Please contact, Hadi Rezaei Vandchali for further information.

The impact of digital transformation of the procurement functions on supply chain agility

Closing Date

31st December 2020*

Applicants should contact the primary supervisor, and submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) and Application as soon as possible.

*unless filled earlier

The Research Project

To achieve profitable and sustainable growths, supply chains need to adjust rapidly to market conditions (e.g. customer preferences, competitive forces) by predicting and responding to demand especially when it is unplanned. The recent COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the need for being agile in the marketplace as the pandemic has dramatically accelerated the changes in consumers’ demand. Procurement agility will play an influential role in helping firms’ supply chain management to adapt to the new challenges of an increasingly dynamic and complex environment. By opening the door to new opportunities, procurement agility can help supply chains to react to sudden changes in demand, which can be considered as a characteristic of successful procurement organisations because firms with high performing procurement functions outperform their competitors. Agile procurement can cope with uncertainties in a volatile environment by monitoring the key metrics that measure suppliers’ health. For example, it can help firms to identify an alternative supplier that can be joined quickly to the firms’ supply network when the risk of supplying from the original supplier increases. This can be a call for a supply chain that can effectively adjust to a changing marketplace by seamlessly sourcing from multiple locations.

In recent years, world-class procurement professionals have adequately embraced and driven the digital transformation to respond with changing requirements of their customers, both internally and externally. The adoption of industry 4.0 technologies has transformed the way that procurement operates by enabling procurement functions to identify and explore previously untapped sources of value. For example, accessing supplier data has been a challenging task for firms. Industry 4.0 technologies such as the internet of things (IoT) and cloud-based infrastructure are helping firms to be flexibly responsive by collecting, processing and analysing real-time data from various suppliers within the supply network. In addition, as the need for offering new services and products increases, agile procurement teams with deep knowledge of emerging technologies can help firms to reduce their development time by fostering collaborative relationships with innovative suppliers. This means that digitalisation can be an effective tool of agility.

Since the real challenge in digitalising processes is to integrate technology and insights in a way that is both progressive and supports business needs, this project will investigate how digital transformation of the procurement functions can improve firms’ supply chain agility.

  • Good understanding of supply chain management and procurement functions
  • Evidence of high level written and communication skills
  • Good analytical skills
  • Work or research experience in supply chain management

Desirable Skills

  • Good knowledge of Industry 4.0 technologies and big data analytics

See the following web page for entry requirements: www.utas.edu.au/research/degrees/what-is-a-research-degree

Application Process

Applicants who require more information or are interested in this specific project should first contact the listed Supervisor. Information and guidance on the application process can be found on the Apply Now website.

Information about scholarships is available on the Scholarships webpage.

More Information

Please contact, Hadi Rezaei Vandchali for further information.

The applications of artificial intelligence in procurement functions to enhance supplier-driven innovations

Closing Date

31st December 2020*

Applicants should contact the primary supervisor, and submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) and Application as soon as possible.

*unless filled earlier

The Research Project

There is a growing need for implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in procurement functions as it allows procurement departments to solve complex problems by using smart computer algorithms, generating effective innovation strategies. Digital technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks can all be considered as AI which provides a wide range of opportunities for firms to bring innovations faster to the market. The ability of the firms to drive innovations as new value-adding products and services can significantly affect their competitive advantages which cannot be successfully achieved without collaborations with their suppliers.

Supply networks are potentially rich sources of ideas and innovation, and suppliers have been considered as the most important partners in the firms’ innovation efforts. This emphasises the importance of procurement in assisting firms to access suppliers’ innovation capabilities. Best practices have indicated that AI applications in procurement functions can increasingly facilitate the innovation development process in different ways. For example, through automation and improvement of firms’ search capabilities, AI applications provide procurement professionals with additional insights into identifying the highly innovative suppliers and analysing their role in developing more innovative products and services. However, research contributions in exploring the impact of AI applications on supporting procurement decisions for collaborative innovations are extremely limited.

Therefore, there are huge potentials for focusing on procurement functions to stimulate supplier innovations in the era of digital transformation. In this regard, this project investigates the applications of AI in enabling procurement functions to leverage supplier capabilities for the innovation development process.

  • Deep understanding of supply chain management and procurement functions
  • Understanding of AI and related technologies
  • Evidence of high level written and communication skills expected for doctoral study
  • Good analytical skills
  • Work or research experience in supply chain management

See the following web page for entry requirements: www.utas.edu.au/research/degrees/what-is-a-research-degree

Application Process

Applicants who require more information or are interested in this specific project should first contact the listed Supervisor. Information and guidance on the application process can be found on the Apply Now website.

Information about scholarships is available on the Scholarships webpage.

More Information

Please contact, Hadi Rezaei Vandchali for further information.

  مقاله مرتبط: تحصیل در استرالیا ☑️

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