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بورسیه دکتری زیست دانشگاه خرونینگن هلند | فاند تحصیلی دکتری زیست شناسی

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بورسیه دکتری زیست پزشکی | فرصت تحصیلی دکتری زیست شناسی

این بورسیه تحصیلی دکتری در مرکز پزشکی دانشگاه خرونینگن هلند و در رشته های علوم زیست شناسی، پزشکی، زیست پزشکی برای اپلای باز می باشد.  دانشجوی دکتری مدل های نارسایی قلبی را مطالعه خواهد کرد و آیا این تاثیرات متفاوت از سرطان است را تشریح خواهد کرد. دانشجوی دکتری باید در قلب و عروق، انکولوژی و مکانیسم های پایه ای که بیماری مزمن متداول را ایجاد می کند دانش داشته باشد.

بورسیه دکتری زیست دانشگاه خرونینگن هلند | فاند تحصیلی دکتری زیست شناسی

شرایط متقاضی اپلای دکتری زیست

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  • مدرک کارشناسی ارشد در علوم زیست پزشکی
  • علاقه به قلب و عروق یا انکولوژی یا هر دو
  • تجربه قبلی با مدل های سلولی و جانوری بیماری قلبی
  • قادر به صحبت کردن و نوشتن در زبان انگلیسی
  • 2 ارجاع از کارشناسی و یا پروژه های کارشناسی ارشد

پیشنهادات برای اپلای دکتری

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دانشگاه یک فرصت تحصیلی تمام وقت از یک سال تا چهار سال با کمک هزینه تحصیلی ای به مبلغ 3200 یور در ماه که به صلاحیت و تجربه متقاضی بستگی دارد را ارائه میدهد.

مهلت اخذ پذیرش تحصیلی به تاریخ میلادی


مهلت ثبت نام برای اپلای به تاریخ شمسی


پیشنهاد مطالعه: پرداخت اپلیکیشن فی

بورسیه دکتری زیست دانشگاه خرونینگن هلند | فاند تحصیلی دکتری زیست شناسی

PhD student Basic aspects of cancer development in heart failure

Working environment

As a reseacher you want to matter. You really want to make a difference in the lives of people with a cardiovascular condition. Now and in the future. That is why you consciously choose to work in the Department of Cardiology of the UMCG, a dynamic department where research and clinical practice are intertwined. We translate problems that we experience in clinical practice into scientific research. We improve patient care with the results of our scientific research. We believe that providing talent room to develop, a solution can ultimately be found for every cardiovascular condition. As a PhD student, UMCG Cardiology therefore offers you plenty of opportunities to follow your interests and give your talent space.

Job description

Heart failure is a major health care problem. It is more and more recognized that co-morbidities such as renal disease and obesity are driving heart failure and its poor prognosis. A substantial proportion of heart failure patients develop cancer and may die from it, an observation that until now has not received much attention.

The group of Prof. de Boer has a strong interest in the heart failure-oncology connection. By combining experimental and clinical experiments and studies, we have shown that the failing heart may promote tumor growth, and that subjects with (subclinical) heart disease are at risk for cancer development (Circulation 2018).

We will further study this intriguing interaction. Prof. de Boer obtained an ERC consolidator grant (SECRETE-HF), allowing to assemble a team to dive deep into this important phenomenon.

The PhD student will study models of heart failure and describe if these affects different forms of cancer. Further, circulating factors associated with heart failure will be tested for their effects on tumor growth. The PhD student must have an interest in cardiology, oncology, and basic mechanisms connecting common multifactorial disease. She/he will make use of a wide array of methods, including cell culture, histology, and proteomic and metabolomic assays. The results of the studies will be published in peer-reviewed Journals and will lead to an Academic dissertation (promotion).

What are the opportunities for you

You are part of a great team, with strong interaction between experimental, genetic, epidemiological and clinical research groups, all on one floor.

The PI is present, interacts with you, and has weekly meetings.

We are well-funded and you will have access to all resources needed for your project.

There are 3 PhD students working on this topic, you will be working in a team.

We are leading this novel field and have strong connections with the cardio-oncology community in Europe and the USA.

After successful PhD graduation, candidates with a Dutch MD license are eligible to enter the selection procedure for the Cardiology training program in the UMCG.

What do we need

a Master degree in (bio-medical) sciences

interest in cardiology or oncology or both

previous experience with cell and animal models of heart disease is a pro

able to express oneself in English in word and writing

2 references from PIs of Bachelor and/or Master projects

The UMCG has a preventive Hepatitis B policy. The UMCG can provide you with the vaccination, should it be required for your position.

In case of specific professions a ‘Certificate of Good Conduct’ is required.

What do we offer

We offer a full-time appointment for one year, with the possibility of extension for a maximum of four years.
Your salary will be a maximum of €3,020 gross per month (scale PRO), depending on your qualifications and relevant experience, based on a full-time appointment.
In addition, the UMCG will offer you 8% holiday pay, an 8.3% end-of-year bonus.
The conditions of employment comply with the Collective Labour Agreement for Medical Centres (CAO-UMC). English: http://www.nfu.nl/english/about-the-nfu/

More information

For more information about this vacancy you may contact
Prof. Rudolf de Boer, cardiologist, r.a.de.boer@umcg.nl (please do not use for applications).

Description of the Institute and the lab

Applying for a job

Please use the the digital application form at the bottom of this page – only these will be processed.
You can apply until 10 June 2019.
Please state in your CV the names and contact information of at least two references and add a short biosketch.

Within half an hour after sending the digital application form you will receive an email- confirmation with further information.


ارسال دیدگاه

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