مشاوره ارزیابی رایگان وضعیت پرونده تحصیلی: وارد شوید

بورسیه تحصیلی دکتری مهندسی مکانیک آیندهوون هلند

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بورسیه تحصیلی دکتری مهندسی مکانیک آیندهوون هلند:

PhD Linear and nonlinear sound absorption mechanisms flexible plates

دانشگاه صنعتی آیندهوون، گروه مهندسی مکانیک بورسیه تحصیلی دکتری مهندسی مکانیک آیندهوون هلند را برای مکانیسم جذب خطی و غیر خطی صدا برای دانشجویان دکترا فراهم کرده است. دانشجویان در صفحات انعطاف پذیر در گروه دینامیک و کنترل، گروه مهندسی مکانیک را اراده داده است.

الزامات بورسیه تحصیلی دکتری مهندسی مکانیک آیندهوون هلند:

متقاضی باید مدرک کارشناسی ارشد در مهندسی مکانیک، مهندسی برق و کنترل با علاقه به کار در یک پروژه بین رشته ای مانند “سیستم مبتنی بر سیستم حرارتی آکوستیک” و علاقه شدیدی به نظریه سیستم و (حرارت) آکوستیک داشته باشد. کاندیدا باید مهارت های ارتباطی عالی در زبان انگلیسی داشته باشد.

شرایط استخدام:

  • انتصاب تمام وقت برای چهار سال، با ارزیابی متوسط بعد از یک سال
  • حقوق و دستمزد ماهانه ناخالص از 2،325 یورو (سال اول) تا 2،972 یورو (سال چهارم) مطابق با توافقنامه جمعی دانشگاه های هلند.
  • امکان ارائه کار خود را در کنفرانس های بین المللی.
  • یک برنامه توسعه شخصی برای دانشجویان بورسیه تحصیلی دکتری مهندسی مکانیک آیندهوون هلند.
  • بسته جذاب از مزایای حاشیه ای، از جمله پاداش پایان سال (8.3٪ در ماه دسامبر)، اضافه هزینه تعطیلات (8٪ در ماه مه)، هزینه های حمل و نقل و امکانات ورزشی عالی.

فرصت تحصیلی دکتری مکانیک سیالات دانشگاه لوند سوئد


The Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering has a vacancy for PhD student Linear and nonlinear sound absorption mechanisms in flexible micro-perforated plates(V35.3712) in the Dynamics and Control group, Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Job description

Combustion of hydrogen from renewable sources is an emerging technology that can replace fossil fuels and so provide carbon-neutral energy. The goal of POLKA is to solve serious technical problems, which are unique to hydrogen combustion: thermoacoustic instabilities and flashback. The research project is divided into 15 interlinked sub-projects, each forming an individual PhD project for an ESR. The ESRs will be equipped with a wide portfolio of skills, including traditional academic research, and also transferable skills in outreach and gender issues. This is be supplemented by a unique integrated training programme in innovation, exploitation and entrepreneurship. Secondments are an important part of the training programme. The ESRs will develop an innovation-oriented mind-set and have excellent career perspectives in the renewable energy sector.

At Dynamics and Control Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dynamics and Control is a key scientific field which is relevant to many advanced applications, and is fostered by the development of the latest technologies in these application areas. Particularly the constantly increasing requirements for the efficiency, accuracy and reliability of these systems make it necessary to unravel detailed dynamic models for analysis, to develop advanced numerical tools for simulation, to develop automation strategies and to provide validation experiments. In the section Dynamics and Control of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, research is focused on the sub-areas nonlinear dynamics and control, acoustics; active noise control, structural optimization and vehicle dynamics.


The PhD project at the section Dynamics and Control of the Department of Mechanical Engineering focuses on measuring, understanding, and modelling linear and nonlinear effects in flexible micro-perforated plates (F-MPP). These plates are used in diverse applications such as building acoustics and aerospace. We will concentrate on high-amplitude pressure waves impinging on the plate, while the plate, rather than remaining motionless, is driven to perform flexural (i.e. out-of-plane) vibrations. Two likely sound absorption mechanisms will be studied in detail: (i) damping of acoustic waves by their interaction with hydrodynamic structures (jets, vortices) at the edges of the orifices, and (ii) loss of acoustic energy due to dry friction at the tips of the individual orifices. A combined experimental and numerical approach based on the approach taken in TANGO (http://www.scm.keele.ac.uk/Tango) will be taken.

Job requirements

Within this project, we are looking for a candidate with a MSc-degree in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical or Control Engineering with an interest to work in an interdisciplinary project such as ‘System based thermo-acoustic design’. He/she should have a strong interest in system theory and (thermo)acoustics. The candidate should have excellent communication skills in English and an attitude to collaborate in a cooperative project such as the ‘Active Control of Thermo-acoustic instabilities’ project.

Conditions of employment

We offer:

  • An exciting job in a dynamic work environment and multidisciplinary consortium.
  • A full time appointment for four years, with an intermediate evaluation after 1 year
  • A gross monthly salary from € 2.325 (first year) to €2.972 (fourth year) in line with the Collective Agreement for Dutch Universities.
  • The possibility to present your work at international conferences.
  • A personal development program for PhD students (Information on the PROOF program can be found on: https://www.tue.nl/en/university/working-at-tue/development-and-career/scientific-personnel/phd-and-postdoc/providing-opportunities-for-phd-students-3tu/
  • An attractive package of fringe benefits, including end-of-year bonus (8,3% in December), an extra holiday allowance (8% in May), moving expenses and excellent sports facilities.

Information and application

If you would like to have more information on the position, please contact Prof. dr. I. Lopez Arteaga (i.lopez@tue.nl+31 40 2472611). For more information regarding recruitment please contact: Sytse van Heijst, E: hrservices(@)Gemini@tue.nl

Visit https://www.tue.nl/universiteit/faculteiten/werktuigbouwkunde/onderzoek/onderzoeksgroepen/dynamics-and-control/ for more information about the group Dynamics and Control;


Your application can be addressed to Prof. dr. I. Lopez Arteaga. Applications must include a personal motivation letter, a Curriculum Vitae including the names and contact details of at least two references, and an overview of current research activities and interests in form of a pitch presentation (5 slides max. as pdf). Only complete applications will be considered. Consideration of the candidates will begin immediately, until the position is filled.


31/03/2019 : Date off



پیشنهاد مطالعه: پرداخت اپلیکیشن فی

ارسال دیدگاه

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