مشاوره ارزیابی رایگان وضعیت پرونده تحصیلی: وارد شوید

بورسیه تحصیلی در رشته شیمی آلی در دانشگاه ETH

رای دهید

فرصت های تحصیلی: بورسیه تحصیلی در رشته شیمی آلی در دانشگاه ETH

The influence of lipid vesicles on different chemical reactions will be investigated. The reactions will include potentially prebiotic transformations, to explore whether the presence of the vesicles has a positive influence on the outcome of the reactions, not only in terms of reaction rate or reaction yield, but also with respect to possible alterations of reaction pathways. Part of the work will be carried out in other laboratories of the ITN project partners, outside Switzerland, but within Europe.

Candidates with a Master’s degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry, preferentially with expertise in organic chemistry, and good communication skills in English (spoken and written) are encouraged to apply. Knowledge on lipid vesicles or surfactant assemblies in general is appreciated but not required. 

Since the PhD position is part of an ITN project, candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Switzerland for more than 12 months in the last 3 years.

We look forward to receiving your online application including the following documents: Cover letter, CV, a list of courses taken and grades received, and contact details of two referees. Deadline: January 15, 2019. Please note that we exclusively accept applications submitted through our online application portal. 

For further information about the Multifunctioinal Materials Group please visit our website: www.multimat.mat.ethz.ch. Questions regarding the position should be directed to Prof. Peter Walde by email peter.walde@mat.ethz.ch

Apply Link: http://tinyurl.com/yc9rdtlz


پیشنهاد مطالعه: پرداخت اپلیکیشن فی

ارسال دیدگاه

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